apartment associations

Renovation of facades

We can offer isolation and renovation of facades for multi-apartment houses. Our services range:

  • Isolation with SILS systems
  • Isolation of wooden houses with different wools
  • building of wooden facades.
  • plastering with modern plasters
  • plastering with traditional plasters like clay and lime plasters.
  • Painting with ecological paints- lime paints or natural oil based paints.

Renovation of technical systems

A well functioning apartment building need complex technical systems like ventilation, heating, plumbing and electrical systems to achieve energy saving, meet the fire and electrical safety requirements and have a pleasant inner climate.

In cooperation with specialists and professionals we can provide well functioning solutions.

Tehnosüsteemide renoveerimine

Hästi toimiv kortermaja vajab kompleksseid tehnosüsteeme nii ventilatsiooni-, kütte-, kui ka elektrisüsteemide näol, et oleks tagatud hoone energiatõhusus, hea sisekliima ning tuleohutus.

Koostöös oma ala spetsialistidega suudame teile pakkuda toimivaid lahendusi.

Special solutions

We can provide special solutions for apartment buildings, that make them outstanding- whether it’s a small shed for trash containers, colourful playground for the kids or a well designed courtyard for residents.


Paigaldame õuealadele kivisillutisi, tegeleme planeeringute ning haljastusega.

Kuidas projektiga alustada?

If your apartment assotiation have concluded in renovation the apartment building, we would like to give you some advice where to start and how to act for achieving the goal.

  • Order an energy audit.
  • Make a budget for rekonstruction and search for financial resources.
  • Arrange an assotiation meeting.
  • Include a technical consultant, who will in case of need also be a supervisor.
  • Order building projects(facade, heating and ventilation).
  • Carry out procurement.
  • Apply for funding and loans.
  • After the end of building process, apply for funding payout.
  • If possible, include in the process also an architect and owners supervisor.
+372 510 8462
Põllu 2, Võru
Erielement OÜ 2024   |   Reg nr: 16508841   |